out 15 2007 MSN Drawings A collection of drawings made in MSN Messenger with Acid, a Laptop/Graphic-Tablet Hybrid now called 2-in-1 Laptops. It's support for Tablets and vectors was quite good at the time and some of these look great. These works are licensed under MSN_Avatars.gif angry.gif aww.gif cry.gif dance.gif diamond-ring.gif elephant.gif emo-duck.gif flower-ring.gif gasp.gif girl.gif grin.gif hehe.PNG hi.PNG hmph.gif horse.gif iroll.gif iunno.gif killer-chick.gif me.gif meow.gif noselick.gif pity.gif reception.gif riiight.gif sad.gif shark-grin.gif sharp-smile.gif suspicious.gif tickle.gif trippin-bout-elephants.gif what cookie.gif wide-smile.gif worrywart.gif yay.gif yeah.gif